Mirror Mirror on the Wall: Who is the fairest of them all? Introducing Blue Water Day Spa’s newest face: Bb. Pilipinas Universe 2019, Gazini Ganados

We’ve all been there. There are days when we wake up confident and ready to conquer the world. And then come the days when we simply do not. This, of course, is natural, and something we cannot rule out. Stress is and always will be a part of daily life. What we can do, however,

First Virtual Reality Experience: Beating Galaga At The Garage, City of Dreams

With seemingly endless technological advances at every turn,  it comes to no surprise how Virtual Reality became a huge part of the entertainment industry. I remember growing up between the years where outdoor play with your neighbors (spell patintero, luksong baka, chinese garter) transitioned into indoor play with family computers, gameboys, Playstations, etc. Fast forward

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