I finally opened my AVON Christmas presents! Here’s what I got!


From Left to Right: Shen, Ruth, Jeanne, Krissy, and Phya

Out of all the Christmas parties you had to attend this year, there has to be one that is most close to your heart. In the blogging world, mine would have to be the Avon Thanksgiving Party – not because of the food or the things we got after (which, by the way, was super awesome!) but because of the friends I got to spend it with. There is no press kit for this event, but I’m blogging about it anyway. Being the appreciative person that I am, I cannot help but be thankful for every single thing that comes by my way, but the best gift of all, for me, is being appreciated back.

Thank you, AVON! I have very low EQ when it comes to packaged items and I couldn’t wait until Christmas! Haha! My roommate Shyra and I had so much fun guessing and opening your many presents! Here’s to more partnerships this 2018! Cheers!



That Certain Charlene is a Layout Maker by profession, a Registered Nurse by mind, and a Stylista by heart. She is the ultimate multihyphenate. This blog serves as an online diary of everything and anything that is of her interest. Each post is a story - #AsToldByCha

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