The Switch: Role Reversal During Valentine’s Day

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Aaah, February 14th! A normal date for most, but for people with partners, in relationships, or working their way towards one – Valentine’s Day spells a day full of opportunities to surprise and show love to the people who matter most. Ever wondered how it would be like if roles were reversed during Valentine’s? Well, that is what my friends and I did exactly – 24 hours before the big day!


During this very brief and random (lol!) activity, we learned the a lot of things. Guys probably have a harder time during this day than any other special occasion (except probably, birthdays or anniversaries!) than girls. I say this because after hopping from one restaurant to another (and being turned down twice!) we discovered how much effort and logistics went into planning the perfect date! My friend Jacky realized also how much work went into buying flowers – after walking to a nearby mall after work, in the rain, braving the crowd of flower buyers, choosing that perfect arrangement, and trying to look for the best deal (and with only one day left before the big day, there is no best deal because everything becomes extra expensive!) Nina, another one of my friends voiced out that so much research and thinking was needed from booking restaurant reservations, to ensuring parking space, and of course – the bill at the end of the day. Collectively, us four realized how comparatively easy it is for us girls versus the stress that comes for the boys’ side of the playground. Not to downplay it or anything, but now that I think about it, sitting at home prepping your face, hair, and outfit is far easier than any of the things mentioned above combined!


Anyway, after our flopped plans of eating at one of the restaurants inside Shangri-La Fort, we found ourselves sitting outside Las Flores, after making a quick phone call and (thankfully) getting a table (albeit al fresco!) I have always wanted to eat here ever since a foodie friend recommended it – and we had no regrets! We would have loved it if the  servings were a bit bigger (but then again, maybe it was because we were already super hungry that time haha!) and if they were able to serve the food faster (it was a busy time! We understand!) but apart from that, the whole experience was great!


It’s been such a long time since I’ve written a blog post like this one, and to be honest, I kind of miss it! I’ve been working on regaining my independence and my old self back for the past few months, and I am happy to say that I have been making progress! To be honest, I cannot see myself making so much effort in planning the perfect date – unless I am really into the other person, so I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all the people who, at one point in my life, made me feel special every 14th of February!

On a personal note, I just want to drop this realization. Friends and family were there way before you met the other person in your relationship, and if they are the good kind, they will stay long after the relationship ends. Be grateful for the people who come and go, they are lessons – but most importantly, reserve your love and attention to those people who continuously make an effort to stay.

To all my past Valentine’s, thank you! To my future one, I cannot wait to meet you! 🙂


That Certain Charlene is a Layout Maker by profession, a Registered Nurse by mind, and a Stylista by heart. She is the ultimate multihyphenate. This blog serves as an online diary of everything and anything that is of her interest. Each post is a story - #AsToldByCha

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