Adulting. Taxing, tiring, and very, very demanding. On the up side, if done properly, adulting could also be very fulfilling. And as with all things in life, milestones go from memorable to best once we decide to celebrate. About Rémy Martin Founded in France in 1724, Rémy Martin is one of the world’s biggest producers
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It’s December 1st, and with only 24 days before the most wonderful time of the year (Christmas! Yay!) comes the inevitable rush of mall goers, Christmas shoppers…and unfortunately, the annual holiday traffic. Fret not, though, because I got you covered! No need to fall in line for Christmas gifts because here are five Christmas gift
Avon Fashions Releases A Nude Bra Line Perfect For Every Filipina Remember the saying it’s what on the inside that counts? Well, that couldn’t ring more true when it comes to intimate wear. The wrong set of underwear can easily break your whole outfit, no matter how nicely put it may look on the outside.