Ah! Gardenia! So many memories come to mind when I think about Gardenia. From my elementary days back when my yaya prepares it for my baon for school and merienda when I get home, to out of town road trips while snacking on sandwiches with tuna spread, and of course the midnight cravings back in
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Adulting. Taxing, tiring, and very, very demanding. On the up side, if done properly, adulting could also be very fulfilling. And as with all things in life, milestones go from memorable to best once we decide to celebrate. About Rémy Martin Founded in France in 1724, Rémy Martin is one of the world’s biggest producers
In the hustle and bustle of daily life, we oftentimes take small things for granted – the food we eat, the amount of quality sleep we get, our skin care routine (if we ever get to stick to one!), and even something as trivial as out hair – that if we take the time to